Remembering New and Old

With my review of work I am remembering teachers of the past. Bruce Butterfield was a remarkable teacher. I did not look forward to seeing the red marks on my paper, but I did enjoy his teaching style. I took American Literature with him so you could say that he influenced my concentration into graduate school! December 2017 Obituary | Bruce A. Butterfield | R. W. Walker Funeral Home (

Writing about the Landscape ‘93

Communion with the Landscape featuring Pamela Morgan’s art 12/92

I recall my research 1600s and 1700s elegies. Tracing women and their representations on tombstones was haunting and puzzling. “Searching” through these markers to find a beloved to pay respects and to honor their presence on this earth is always a journey, a walk with the dead, a close encounter of life and death, a discovery of what is constant and infinite compared to brief and elusive. This elegy remembers David Olney, a new musical artist to me, but certainly an artist! I am getting to know Mark Wagenaar too.

Author: luannewilliams


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